Tuesday, September 27, 2005

quiet house

Woke up this morning to the terrible realization that there is no milk in the house. What to do without my caffe latte in front of the telegiornali? The caffe by itself is too strong for my morning. Ow! my stomach lining!

Then it's off to the Sala Borsa to try to combine getting work done with being around other human beings. This library is a fascinating example of the layering of history in Italian cities. Today, the building houses a library, bookstore, cafe and restaurant united by a open grand hall stretching four stories up. The bookshelves of the store line balconies and the restaurant is likewise perched on a balcony overlooking the open space. The floor of the hall is glass, revealing the ruins of an ancient Roman marketplace in the building's foundations. All the modern stylings of this complex don't disguise the origins of the Sala Borsa, most recently a municipal palace circa 1926, though its history is one of demolitions and reconstructions dating back to the 13th century. Of the hundreds of libraries in Bologna, I like this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have i told you lately how much i love USA????
(signed, wickedly, half your brain.)

September 28, 2005  

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